Smallest of two numbers in 68000


  • Print the Sim68K Text I/O sheet (Start > EASy68K > Help > Simulator I/O >
    Text/Time/Terminate) and read it.
    • Open the EASy68K editor and type the following program:

Assemble the file by starting the assembler in the usual way and print out the .L86
• Examine the Symbol Table at the bottom of the .L68 file.
• Print out the .S68 file and examine the five lines that begin with the characters
“S1”. What do these lines contain?
• Start the simulator.
• Initialize the program counter to $1500 (not $1000).
• Run your program without turning on the single-step mode. Observe what the
program displays on the screen.
• If you wish to rerun your program, first reset the simulator by clicking the Rewind
button (or typing Ctrl+F2) and then pressing the Run button (or typing F9).
Write an MC68000 program that will print out the smaller of two numbers inputted from
the terminal. The program should prompt the user to input the numbers and then output
the result after a statement indicating the result.
The initial prompts can be “Please input the first number:” and “Please input the second
number:”. The output statement can be “The smaller of the two numbers is:”.



* Title      :

* Written by :

* Date       :

* Description:


ORG    $1000

FIRST:  DC.B    ‘Please input the first number: ‘

DC.B    0

DS.W    0

SECOND: DC.B    ‘Please input the second number: ‘

DC.B    0

DS.W    0

OUTPUT: DC.B    ‘The smaller of the two numbers is: ‘

DC.B    0

DS.W    0

ORG     $1500

START:                      ; first instruction of program

MOVEA.L #FIRST,A1   ; prompt the user for the first number

MOVE.L  #13,D0

TRAP    #15

MOVE.L  #4,D0       ; read a number from the user into D1.L

TRAP    #15

MOVE.L  D1,D2       ; save read number in D2 to use it later

MOVEA.L #SECOND,A1  ; prompt the user for the second number

MOVE.L  #13,D0

TRAP    #15

MOVE.L  #4,D0       ; read another number from the user into D1.L

TRAP    #15

MOVEA.L #OUTPUT,A1  ; print the output statement

MOVE.L  #13,D0

TRAP    #15

CMP.L   D2,D1       ; compare the first number with the last one read

BLT     D1SMALL     ; if D1 is smaller, go to print D1

D2SMALL:                    ; else, D2 is smaller, print it

MOVE.L  D2,D1       ; move D2 to D1 for printing it

MOVE.L  #3,D0       ; print the number in D1.L using trap 15

TRAP    #15

BRA     EXIT        ; exit the program


MOVE.L  #3,D0       ; print the number in D1.L using trap 15

TRAP    #15


MOVE.B  #9,D0

TRAP    #15         ; halt simulator

END    START        ; last line of source

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