Binary search tree

Binary search tree

package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;

public class BinarySearchTree<Node extends BSTNode<Node,T>, T> extends

BinaryTree<Node> implements SSet<T> {

public Comparator<T> c;


* The number of nodes (elements) currently in the tree


public int n;

public Node newNode(T x) {

Node u = super.newNode();

u.x = x;

return u;


public BinarySearchTree(Node is, Comparator<T> c) {


this.c = c;


public BinarySearchTree(Node is) {

this(is, new DefaultComparator<T>());



* Create a new instance of this class

* @warning child must set sampleNode before anything that

* might make calls to newNode()


public BinarySearchTree() {

this(null, new DefaultComparator<T>());



* Search for a value in the tree

* @return the last node on the search path for x


public Node findLast(T x) {

Node w = r, prev = nil;

while (w != nil) {

prev = w;

int comp =, w.x);

if (comp < 0) {

w = w.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

w = w.right;

} else {

return w;



return prev;



* Search for a value in the tree

* @return the last node on the search path for x


public Node findGENode(T x) {

Node w = r, z = nil;

while (w != nil) {

int comp =, w.x);

if (comp < 0) {

z = w;

w = w.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

w = w.right;

} else {

return w;



return z;


public T findEQ(T x) {

Node u = r;

while (u != nil) {

int comp =, u.x);

if (comp < 0)

u = u.left;

else if (comp > 0)

u = u.right;


return u.x;


return null;


public T find(T x) {

Node w = r, z = nil;

while (w != nil) {

int comp =, w.x);

if (comp < 0) {

z = w;

w = w.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

w = w.right;

} else {

return w.x;



return z == nil ? null : z.x;


public T findGE(T u) {

if (u == null) { // find the minimum value

Node w = r;

if (w == nil) return null;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

return w.x;


Node w = findGENode(u);

return w == nil ? null : w.x;



* Search for a value in the tree

* @return the last node on the search path for x


public Node findLTNode(T x) {

Node u = r, z = nil;

while (u != nil) {

int comp =, u.x);

if (comp < 0) {

u = u.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

z = u;

u = u.right;

} else {

return u;



return z;


public T findLT(T x) {

if (x == null) { // find the maximum value

Node w = r;

if (w == nil) return null;

while (w.right != nil)

w = w.right;

return w.x;


Node w = findLTNode(x);

return w == nil ? null : w.x;



* Add the node u as a child of node p — ASSUMES p has no child

* where u should be added

* @param p

* @param u

* @return true if the child was added, false otherwise


public boolean addChild(Node p, Node u) {

if (p == nil) {

r = u;              // inserting into empty tree

} else {

int comp =, p.x);

if (comp < 0) {

p.left = u;

} else if (comp > 0) {

p.right = u;

} else {

return false;   // u.x is already in the tree


u.parent = p;



return true;



* Add a new value

* @param x

* @return


public boolean add(T x) {

Node p = findLast(x);

return addChild(p, newNode(x));



* Add a new value

* @param x

* @return


public boolean add(Node u) {

Node p = findLast(u.x);

return addChild(p, u);



* Remove the node u — ASSUMING u has at most one child

* @param u


public void splice(Node u) {

Node s, p;

if (u.left != nil) {

s = u.left;

} else {

s = u.right;


if (u == r) {

r = s;

p = nil;

} else {

p = u.parent;

if (p.left == u) {

p.left = s;

} else {

p.right = s;



if (s != nil) {

s.parent = p;





* Remove the node u from the binary search tree

* @param u


public void remove(Node u) {

if (u.left == nil || u.right == nil) {


} else {

Node w = u.right;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

u.x = w.x;





* Do a left rotation at u

* @param u


public void rotateLeft(Node u) {

Node w = u.right;

w.parent = u.parent;

if (w.parent != nil) {

if (w.parent.left == u) {

w.parent.left = w;

} else {

w.parent.right = w;



u.right = w.left;

if (u.right != nil) {

u.right.parent = u;


u.parent = w;

w.left = u;

if (u == r) { r = w; r.parent = nil; }



* Do a right rotation at u

* @param u


public void rotateRight(Node u) {

Node w = u.left;

w.parent = u.parent;

if (w.parent != nil) {

if (w.parent.left == u) {

w.parent.left = w;

} else {

w.parent.right = w;



u.left = w.right;

if (u.left != nil) {

u.left.parent = u;


u.parent = w;

w.right = u;

if (u == r) { r = w; r.parent = nil; }



* Remove a node

* @param x

* @return


public boolean remove(T x) {

Node u = findLast(x);

if (u != nil &&,u.x) == 0) {


return true;


return false;


public String toString() {

String s = “[“;

Iterator<T> it = iterator();

while (it.hasNext()) {

s += + (it.hasNext() ? “,” : “”);


s += “]”;

return s;



public boolean contains(Object x) {

Node u = findLast((T)x);

return u != nil &&, (T)x) == 0;


public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {

for (Object x : c)

if (!contains(x))

return false;

return true;


public Iterator<T> iterator(Node u) {

class BTI implements Iterator<T> {

public Node w, prev;

public BTI(Node iw) {

w = iw;


public boolean hasNext() {

return w != nil;


public T next() {

T x = w.x;

prev = w;

w = nextNode(w);

return x;


public void remove() {

// FIXME: This is a bug.  remove() methods have to be changed




return new BTI(u);


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

return iterator(firstNode());


public Iterator<T> iterator(T x) {

return iterator(findGENode(x));


public int size() {

return n;


public boolean isEmpty() {

return n == 0;


public void clear() {


n = 0;


public Comparator<? super T> comparator() {

return c;



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Queue;

import java.util.Random;

public class BinaryTree<Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> {


* Used to make a mini-factory


public Node sampleNode;


* The root of this tree


public Node r;


* This tree’s null node


public Node nil;


* Create a new instance of this class

* @param isampleNode


public BinaryTree(Node nil) {

sampleNode = nil;

this.nil = null;



* Create a new instance of this class

* @warning child must set sampleNode before anything that

* might make calls to newNode()


public BinaryTree() { }



* Allocate a new node for use in this tree

* @return



public Node newNode() {

try {

Node u = (Node)sampleNode.getClass().newInstance();

u.parent = u.left = u.right = nil;

return u;

} catch (Exception e) {

return null;



public int depth(Node u) {

int d = 0;

while (u != r) {

u = u.parent;



return d;



* Compute the size (number of nodes) of this tree

* @return the number of nodes in this tree


public int size() {

return size(r);



* @return the size of the subtree rooted at u


public int size(Node u) {

if (u == nil)

return 0;

return 1 + size(u.left) + size(u.right);


public int height() {

return height(r);



* @return the size of the subtree rooted at u


public int height(Node u) {

if (u == nil)

return -1;

return 1 + Math.max(height(u.left), height(u.right));



* @return


public boolean isEmpty() {

return r == nil;



* Make this tree into the empty tree


public void clear() {

r = nil;


public void traverse(Node u) {

if (u == nil) return;




public void traverse2() {

Node u = r, prev = nil, next;

while (u != nil) {

if (prev == u.parent) {

if (u.left != nil) next = u.left;

else if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else if (prev == u.left) {

if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else {

next = u.parent;


prev = u;

u = next;



public int size2() {

Node u = r, prev = nil, next;

int n = 0;

while (u != nil) {

if (prev == u.parent) {


if (u.left != nil) next = u.left;

else if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else if (prev == u.left) {

if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else {

next = u.parent;


prev = u;

u = next;


return n;


public void bfTraverse() {

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


while (!q.isEmpty()) {

Node u = q.remove();

if (u.left != nil) q.add(u.left);

if (u.right != nil) q.add(u.right);




* Find the first node in an in-order traversal

* @return


public Node firstNode() {

Node w = r;

if (w == nil) return nil;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

return w;



* Find the node that follows u in an in-order traversal

* @param w

* @return


public Node nextNode(Node w) {

if (w.right != nil) {

w = w.right;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

} else {

while (w.parent != nil && w.parent.left != w)

w = w.parent;

w = w.parent;


return w;


public static <Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> void completeBinaryTree(BinaryTree<Node> t, int n) {

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


if (n == 0)


t.r = t.newNode();


while (–n > 0) {

Node u = q.remove();

u.left = t.newNode();

u.left.parent = u;


if (–n > 0) {

u.right = t.newNode();

u.right.parent = u;






* Create a new full binary tree whose expected number of nodes is n

* @param <Node>

* @param t

* @param n


public static <Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> void galtonWatsonFullTree(BinaryTree<Node> t, int n) {

Random r = new Random();

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


t.r = t.newNode();


double p = ((double)0.5 – ((double)1)/(n+n));

while (!q.isEmpty()) {

Node u = q.remove();

if (r.nextDouble() < p) {

u.left = t.newNode();

u.left.parent = u;


u.right = t.newNode();

u.right.parent = u;





static <Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> void galtonWatsonTree(BinaryTree<Node> t, int n) {

Random r = new Random();

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


t.r = t.newNode();


double p = ((double)0.5 – ((double)1)/(n+n));

while (!q.isEmpty()) {

Node u = q.remove();

if (r.nextDouble() < p) {

u.left = t.newNode();

u.left.parent = u;


} if (r.nextDouble() < p) {

u.right = t.newNode();

u.right.parent = u;






package comp2402a5;


* This class represents a node in a binary tree. This class is abstract and

* should be subclassed by a concrete class. See, for example the class

* SimpleBinaryTreeNode.


* @author morin


* @param <Node>

*            the class of the children of this node


public class BinaryTreeNode<Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> {

public Node left;

public Node right;

public Node parent;


package comp2402a5;

public class BSTNode<Node extends BSTNode<Node,T>,T>

extends BinaryTreeNode<Node> {


* The key stored at this node


T x;


package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.SortedSet;

import java.util.TreeSet;


* An unfinished implementation of an Countdown tree (for exercises)


* @param <T>


public class CountdownTree<T> extends

BinarySearchTree<CountdownTree.Node<T>, T> implements SSet<T> {

// countdown delay factor

double d;

public static class Node<T> extends BSTNode<Node<T>,T> {

int timer;  // the height of the node


public CountdownTree(double d) {

this.d = d;

sampleNode = new Node<T>();

c = new DefaultComparator<T>();


public boolean add(T x) {

Node<T> u = new Node<T>();

u.timer = (int)Math.ceil(d);

u.x = x;

if (super.add(u)) {

// add some code here

return true;


return false;


public void splice(Node<T> u) {

Node<T> w = u.parent;


// add some code here (we just removed u from the tree


protected void explode(Node<T> u) {

// Write this code to explode u

// Make sure to update u.parent and/or r (the tree root) as appropriate


// Here is some test code you can use

public static void main(String[] args) {

Testum.sortedSetSanityTests(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(1)), 1000);

Testum.sortedSetSanityTests(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(2.5)), 1000);

Testum.sortedSetSanityTests(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(0.5)), 1000);

java.util.List<SortedSet<Integer>> ell = new java.util.ArrayList<SortedSet<Integer>>();

ell.add(new java.util.TreeSet<Integer>());

ell.add(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(1)));

ell.add(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(2.5)));

ell.add(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(0.5)));

Testum.sortedSetSpeedTests(ell, 1000000);



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Comparator;

class DefaultComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> {


public int compare(T a, T b) {

return ((Comparable<T>)a).compareTo(b);



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import java.util.SortedSet;


* This represents a view of the part of a SortedSSet in the interval [a,b).

* This implementation adds only a constant additive overhead to methods except

* size(), which runs in linear time.


* @param <T>


public class RangeSSet<T> extends SortedSSet<T> {

T a;

T b;

public RangeSSet(SSet<T> s, T a, T b) {


this.a = a;

this.b = b;


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

class IT implements Iterator<T> {

protected Iterator<T> it;

T next, prev;

public IT(Iterator<T> it) { = it;

if (it.hasNext()) {

next =;



public boolean hasNext() {

return next != null

&& (b == null || s.comparator().compare(next, b) < 0);


public T next() {

if (!hasNext())

throw new NoSuchElementException();

prev = next;

next =;

return prev;


public void remove() {




return new IT(s.iterator(a));



public boolean contains(Object o) {

T x = (T) o;

Comparator<? super T> c = s.comparator();

if (a != null &&, a) < 0)

return false;

if (b != null &&, b) >= 0)

return false;

return super.contains(x);


public T first() {

return s.findGE(a);


public int size() {

Iterator<T> it = iterator();

int n = 0;

while (it.hasNext()) {;



return n;


public T last() {

return s.findLT(b);


protected final T max(T x, T y) {

if (x == null)

return y;

if (y == null)

return x;

if (s.comparator().compare(x, y) > 0)

return x;

return y;


protected final T min(T x, T y) {

if (x == null)

return y;

if (y == null)

return x;

if (s.comparator().compare(x, y) < 0)

return x;

return y;


protected final void rangeCheck(T x) {

Comparator<? super T> c = s.comparator();

if ((a != null &&, a) < 0)

|| (b != null &&, b) >= 0))

throw new IllegalArgumentException();


public boolean add(T x) {


return super.add(x);



public boolean remove(Object x) {

rangeCheck((T) x);

return super.remove(x);


public SortedSet<T> subSet(T a, T b) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, max(a, this.a), min(b, this.b));


public SortedSet<T> headSet(T b) {

return subSet(a, b);


public SortedSet<T> tailSet(T a) {

return subSet(a, b);



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.AbstractSet;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.SortedSet;


* This class is a wrapper that allows any class that implements SSet<T> to

* allow it to also implement SortedSet<T>.

* @param <T>


public class SortedSSet<T> extends AbstractSet<T> implements SortedSet<T> {

protected SSet<T> s;

public SortedSSet(SSet<T> s) {

this.s = s;


public Comparator<? super T> comparator() {

return s.comparator();


public T first() {

return s.findGE(null);


public T last() {

return s.findLT(null);


public SortedSet<T> headSet(T b) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, null, b);


public SortedSet<T> subSet(T a, T b) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, a, b);


public SortedSet<T> tailSet(T a) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, a, null);


public boolean add(T x) {

return s.add(x);


public void clear() {




public boolean contains(Object o) {

T y = s.findGE((T) o);

return y != null && y.equals(o);


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

return s.iterator();



public boolean remove(Object x) {

return s.remove((T) x);


public int size() {

return s.size();


public boolean isEmpty() {

return !s.iterator().hasNext();



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;


* The SSet<T> interface is a simple interface that allows a class to implement

* all the functionality of the (more complicated) SortedSet<T> interface. Any

* class that implements SSet<T> can be wrapped in a SortedSSet<T> to obtain an

* implementation of SortedSet<T>


* @author morin


* @param <T>

* @see SortedSSet<T>


public interface SSet<T> extends Iterable<T> {


* @return the comparator used by this SSet


public Comparator<? super T> comparator();


* @return the number of elements in this SSet


public int size();


* Find the smallest element in the SSet that is greater than or equal to x.

* If x is null, return the smallest element in the SSet


* @param x

* @return the smallest element in the SSet that is greater than or equal to

*         x. If x is null then the smallest element in the SSet


public T findGE(T x);


* Find the largest element in the SSet that is greater than to x. If x is

* null, return the largest element in the SSet


* @param x

* @return the largest element in the SSet that is less than x. If x is null

*         then the smallest element in the SSet


public T findLT(T x);


* Add the element x to the SSet


* @param x

* @return true if the element was added or false if x was already in the

*         set


public boolean add(T x);


* Remove the element x from the SSet


* @param x

* @return true if x was removed and false if x was not removed (because x

*         was not present)


public boolean remove(T x);


* Clear the SSet, removing all elements from the set


public void clear();


* Return an iterator that iterates over the elements in sorted order,

* starting at the first element that is greater than or equal to x.


public Iterator<T> iterator(T x);


package comp2402a5;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Set;

import java.util.SortedSet;

import java.util.TreeSet;


* A utility class with some static methods for testing List implementations

* @author morin


public class Testum {

protected static void myassert(boolean b) throws AssertionError {

if (!b) {

throw new AssertionError();



protected static String s(Object c) {

return c.getClass().getName();


public static void sortedSetSanityTests(SortedSet<Integer> ss, int n) {

SortedSet<Integer> ts = new TreeSet<Integer>();


Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Integer x = r.nextInt(2*n);

if (ts.add(x) != ss.add(x))

throw new RuntimeException(“add(x) returned wrong value”);

if (!compareSortedSets(ts,ss))

throw new RuntimeException(“sorted sets differ!”);


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Integer x = r.nextInt(2*n);

if (ts.remove(x) != ss.remove(x))

throw new RuntimeException(“remove(x) returned wrong value”);

if (!compareSortedSets(ts,ss))

throw new RuntimeException(“sorted sets differ!”);






public static void sortedSetSpeedTests(Collection<SortedSet<Integer>> css, int n) {

long start, stop;

for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {


myassert(ss.size() == 0);


for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random insertions (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);

myassert(ss.size() >= n/2);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random contains (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random removals (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random headSets (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {


Iterator<Integer> it = ss.iterator();

if (it.hasNext());


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“iteration (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (Integer i : ss) { i = i + 1; }

stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“clear (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“sequential insertions (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

myassert(ss.size() == i);



stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);

myassert(ss.size() == n);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“sequential contains (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“sequential headSets (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“iteration over subSets (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (Integer i : ss.subSet(n/2, 3*n/4)) { i = i + 1; }

stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);




protected static <T> boolean compareSortedSets(Collection<T> a, Collection<T> b) {

if (a.size() != b.size())

return false;

for (T x : a) {

if (!b.contains(x)) return false;


for (T x : b) {

if (!a.contains(x)) return false;


Iterator<T> ita = a.iterator();

Iterator<T> itb = b.iterator();

while (ita.hasNext()) {

if (!

return false;


return true;




package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;

public class BinarySearchTree<Node extends BSTNode<Node,T>, T> extends

BinaryTree<Node> implements SSet<T> {

public Comparator<T> c;


* The number of nodes (elements) currently in the tree


public int n;

public Node newNode(T x) {

Node u = super.newNode();

u.x = x;

return u;


public BinarySearchTree(Node is, Comparator<T> c) {


this.c = c;


public BinarySearchTree(Node is) {

this(is, new DefaultComparator<T>());



* Create a new instance of this class

* @warning child must set sampleNode before anything that

* might make calls to newNode()


public BinarySearchTree() {

this(null, new DefaultComparator<T>());



* Search for a value in the tree

* @return the last node on the search path for x


public Node findLast(T x) {

Node w = r, prev = nil;

while (w != nil) {

prev = w;

int comp =, w.x);

if (comp < 0) {

w = w.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

w = w.right;

} else {

return w;



return prev;



* Search for a value in the tree

* @return the last node on the search path for x


public Node findGENode(T x) {

Node w = r, z = nil;

while (w != nil) {

int comp =, w.x);

if (comp < 0) {

z = w;

w = w.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

w = w.right;

} else {

return w;



return z;


public T findEQ(T x) {

Node u = r;

while (u != nil) {

int comp =, u.x);

if (comp < 0)

u = u.left;

else if (comp > 0)

u = u.right;


return u.x;


return null;


public T find(T x) {

Node w = r, z = nil;

while (w != nil) {

int comp =, w.x);

if (comp < 0) {

z = w;

w = w.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

w = w.right;

} else {

return w.x;



return z == nil ? null : z.x;


public T findGE(T u) {

if (u == null) { // find the minimum value

Node w = r;

if (w == nil) return null;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

return w.x;


Node w = findGENode(u);

return w == nil ? null : w.x;



* Search for a value in the tree

* @return the last node on the search path for x


public Node findLTNode(T x) {

Node u = r, z = nil;

while (u != nil) {

int comp =, u.x);

if (comp < 0) {

u = u.left;

} else if (comp > 0) {

z = u;

u = u.right;

} else {

return u;



return z;


public T findLT(T x) {

if (x == null) { // find the maximum value

Node w = r;

if (w == nil) return null;

while (w.right != nil)

w = w.right;

return w.x;


Node w = findLTNode(x);

return w == nil ? null : w.x;



* Add the node u as a child of node p — ASSUMES p has no child

* where u should be added

* @param p

* @param u

* @return true if the child was added, false otherwise


public boolean addChild(Node p, Node u) {

if (p == nil) {

r = u;              // inserting into empty tree

} else {

int comp =, p.x);

if (comp < 0) {

p.left = u;

} else if (comp > 0) {

p.right = u;

} else {

return false;   // u.x is already in the tree


u.parent = p;



return true;



* Add a new value

* @param x

* @return


public boolean add(T x) {

Node p = findLast(x);

return addChild(p, newNode(x));



* Add a new value

* @param x

* @return


public boolean add(Node u) {

Node p = findLast(u.x);

return addChild(p, u);



* Remove the node u — ASSUMING u has at most one child

* @param u


public void splice(Node u) {

Node s, p;

if (u.left != nil) {

s = u.left;

} else {

s = u.right;


if (u == r) {

r = s;

p = nil;

} else {

p = u.parent;

if (p.left == u) {

p.left = s;

} else {

p.right = s;



if (s != nil) {

s.parent = p;





* Remove the node u from the binary search tree

* @param u


public void remove(Node u) {

if (u.left == nil || u.right == nil) {


} else {

Node w = u.right;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

u.x = w.x;





* Do a left rotation at u

* @param u


public void rotateLeft(Node u) {

Node w = u.right;

w.parent = u.parent;

if (w.parent != nil) {

if (w.parent.left == u) {

w.parent.left = w;

} else {

w.parent.right = w;



u.right = w.left;

if (u.right != nil) {

u.right.parent = u;


u.parent = w;

w.left = u;

if (u == r) { r = w; r.parent = nil; }



* Do a right rotation at u

* @param u


public void rotateRight(Node u) {

Node w = u.left;

w.parent = u.parent;

if (w.parent != nil) {

if (w.parent.left == u) {

w.parent.left = w;

} else {

w.parent.right = w;



u.left = w.right;

if (u.left != nil) {

u.left.parent = u;


u.parent = w;

w.right = u;

if (u == r) { r = w; r.parent = nil; }



* Remove a node

* @param x

* @return


public boolean remove(T x) {

Node u = findLast(x);

if (u != nil &&,u.x) == 0) {


return true;


return false;


public String toString() {

String s = “[“;

Iterator<T> it = iterator();

while (it.hasNext()) {

s += + (it.hasNext() ? “,” : “”);


s += “]”;

return s;



public boolean contains(Object x) {

Node u = findLast((T)x);

return u != nil &&, (T)x) == 0;


public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {

for (Object x : c)

if (!contains(x))

return false;

return true;


public Iterator<T> iterator(Node u) {

class BTI implements Iterator<T> {

public Node w, prev;

public BTI(Node iw) {

w = iw;


public boolean hasNext() {

return w != nil;


public T next() {

T x = w.x;

prev = w;

w = nextNode(w);

return x;


public void remove() {

// FIXME: This is a bug.  remove() methods have to be changed




return new BTI(u);


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

return iterator(firstNode());


public Iterator<T> iterator(T x) {

return iterator(findGENode(x));


public int size() {

return n;


public boolean isEmpty() {

return n == 0;


public void clear() {


n = 0;


public Comparator<? super T> comparator() {

return c;



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Queue;

import java.util.Random;

public class BinaryTree<Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> {


* Used to make a mini-factory


public Node sampleNode;


* The root of this tree


public Node r;


* This tree’s null node


public Node nil;


* Create a new instance of this class

* @param isampleNode


public BinaryTree(Node nil) {

sampleNode = nil;

this.nil = null;



* Create a new instance of this class

* @warning child must set sampleNode before anything that

* might make calls to newNode()


public BinaryTree() { }


* Allocate a new node for use in this tree

* @return



public Node newNode() {

try {

Node u = (Node)sampleNode.getClass().newInstance();

u.parent = u.left = u.right = nil;

return u;

} catch (Exception e) {

return null;



public int depth(Node u) {

int d = 0;

while (u != r) {

u = u.parent;



return d;



* Compute the size (number of nodes) of this tree

* @return the number of nodes in this tree


public int size() {

return size(r);



* @return the size of the subtree rooted at u


public int size(Node u) {

if (u == nil)

return 0;

return 1 + size(u.left) + size(u.right);


public int height() {

return height(r);



* @return the size of the subtree rooted at u


public int height(Node u) {

if (u == nil)

return -1;

return 1 + Math.max(height(u.left), height(u.right));



* @return


public boolean isEmpty() {

return r == nil;



* Make this tree into the empty tree


public void clear() {

r = nil;


public void traverse(Node u) {

if (u == nil) return;




public void traverse2() {

Node u = r, prev = nil, next;

while (u != nil) {

if (prev == u.parent) {

if (u.left != nil) next = u.left;

else if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else if (prev == u.left) {

if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else {

next = u.parent;


prev = u;

u = next;



public int size2() {

Node u = r, prev = nil, next;

int n = 0;

while (u != nil) {

if (prev == u.parent) {


if (u.left != nil) next = u.left;

else if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else if (prev == u.left) {

if (u.right != nil) next = u.right;

else next = u.parent;

} else {

next = u.parent;


prev = u;

u = next;


return n;


public void bfTraverse() {

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


while (!q.isEmpty()) {

Node u = q.remove();

if (u.left != nil) q.add(u.left);

if (u.right != nil) q.add(u.right);




* Find the first node in an in-order traversal

* @return


public Node firstNode() {

Node w = r;

if (w == nil) return nil;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

return w;



* Find the node that follows u in an in-order traversal

* @param w

* @return


public Node nextNode(Node w) {

if (w.right != nil) {

w = w.right;

while (w.left != nil)

w = w.left;

} else {

while (w.parent != nil && w.parent.left != w)

w = w.parent;

w = w.parent;


return w;


public static <Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> void completeBinaryTree(BinaryTree<Node> t, int n) {

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


if (n == 0)


t.r = t.newNode();


while (–n > 0) {

Node u = q.remove();

u.left = t.newNode();

u.left.parent = u;


if (–n > 0) {

u.right = t.newNode();

u.right.parent = u;






* Create a new full binary tree whose expected number of nodes is n

* @param <Node>

* @param t

* @param n


public static <Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> void galtonWatsonFullTree(BinaryTree<Node> t, int n) {

Random r = new Random();

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


t.r = t.newNode();


double p = ((double)0.5 – ((double)1)/(n+n));

while (!q.isEmpty()) {

Node u = q.remove();

if (r.nextDouble() < p) {

u.left = t.newNode();

u.left.parent = u;


u.right = t.newNode();

u.right.parent = u;





static <Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> void galtonWatsonTree(BinaryTree<Node> t, int n) {

Random r = new Random();

Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();


t.r = t.newNode();


double p = ((double)0.5 – ((double)1)/(n+n));

while (!q.isEmpty()) {

Node u = q.remove();

if (r.nextDouble() < p) {

u.left = t.newNode();

u.left.parent = u;


} if (r.nextDouble() < p) {

u.right = t.newNode();

u.right.parent = u;






package comp2402a5;


* This class represents a node in a binary tree. This class is abstract and

* should be subclassed by a concrete class. See, for example the class

* SimpleBinaryTreeNode.

* @param <Node>

*            the class of the children of this node


public class BinaryTreeNode<Node extends BinaryTreeNode<Node>> {

public Node left;

public Node right;

public Node parent;


package comp2402a5;

public class BSTNode<Node extends BSTNode<Node,T>,T>

extends BinaryTreeNode<Node> {


* The key stored at this node


T x;


package comp2402a5;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.SortedSet;

import java.util.TreeSet;


* An unfinished implementation of an Countdown tree (for exercises)


* @author morin


* @param <T>


public class CountdownTree<T> extends BinarySearchTree<CountdownTree.Node<T>, T> implements SSet<T> {

// countdown delay factor

double d;

public static class Node<T> extends BSTNode<Node<T>, T> {

int timer; // the height of the node


public CountdownTree(double d) {

this.d = d;

sampleNode = new Node<T>();

c = new DefaultComparator<T>();


public boolean add(T x) {

Node<T> u = new Node<T>();

u.timer = (int) Math.ceil(d);

u.x = x;

if (super.add(u)) {

// add some code here

u = u.parent;

while (u != nil) {


if (u.timer == 0) {



u = u.parent; // iterate


return true;


return false;


public void splice(Node<T> u) {

Node<T> w = u.parent;


// add some code here (we just removed u from the tree

while (w != nil) {


if (w.timer == 0) {



w = w.parent; // iterate



protected void explode(Node<T> u) {

// Write this code to explode u

// Make sure to update u.parent and/or r (the tree root) as appropriate

int ns = size(u);

Node<T> p = u.parent;


Node<T>[] a = (Node<T>[]) Array.newInstance(Node.class, ns);

packIntoArray(u, a, 0);

if (p == nil) {

r = buildBalanced(a, 0, ns);

r.parent = nil;

} else if (p.right == u) {

p.right = buildBalanced(a, 0, ns);

p.right.parent = p;

} else {

p.left = buildBalanced(a, 0, ns);

p.left.parent = p;



int packIntoArray(Node<T> u, Node<T>[] a, int i) {

if (u == nil) {

return i;


i = packIntoArray(u.left, a, i);

a[i++] = u;

return packIntoArray(u.right, a, i);


Node<T> buildBalanced(Node<T>[] a, int i, int ns) {

if (ns == 0)

return nil;

int m = ns / 2;

a[i + m].left = buildBalanced(a, i, m);

if (a[i + m].left != nil)

a[i + m].left.parent = a[i + m];

a[i + m].right = buildBalanced(a, i + m + 1, ns – m – 1);

if (a[i + m].right != nil)

a[i + m].right.parent = a[i + m];

a[i + m].timer = (int) Math.ceil(d * size(a[i + m]));

return a[i + m];


// Here is some test code you can use

public static void main(String[] args) {

Testum.sortedSetSanityTests(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(1)), 1000);

Testum.sortedSetSanityTests(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(2.5)), 1000);

Testum.sortedSetSanityTests(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(0.5)), 1000);

java.util.List<SortedSet<Integer>> ell = new java.util.ArrayList<SortedSet<Integer>>();

ell.add(new java.util.TreeSet<Integer>());

ell.add(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(1)));

ell.add(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(2.5)));

ell.add(new SortedSSet<Integer>(new CountdownTree<Integer>(0.5)));

Testum.sortedSetSpeedTests(ell, 1000000);



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Comparator;

class DefaultComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> {


public int compare(T a, T b) {

return ((Comparable<T>)a).compareTo(b);



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import java.util.SortedSet;


* This represents a view of the part of a SortedSSet in the interval [a,b).

* This implementation adds only a constant additive overhead to methods except

* size(), which runs in linear time.

* @param <T>


public class RangeSSet<T> extends SortedSSet<T> {

T a;

T b;

public RangeSSet(SSet<T> s, T a, T b) {


this.a = a;

this.b = b;


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

class IT implements Iterator<T> {

protected Iterator<T> it;

T next, prev;

public IT(Iterator<T> it) { = it;

if (it.hasNext()) {

next =;



public boolean hasNext() {

return next != null

&& (b == null || s.comparator().compare(next, b) < 0);


public T next() {

if (!hasNext())

throw new NoSuchElementException();

prev = next;

next =;

return prev;


public void remove() {




return new IT(s.iterator(a));



public boolean contains(Object o) {

T x = (T) o;

Comparator<? super T> c = s.comparator();

if (a != null &&, a) < 0)

return false;

if (b != null &&, b) >= 0)

return false;

return super.contains(x);


public T first() {

return s.findGE(a);


public int size() {

Iterator<T> it = iterator();

int n = 0;

while (it.hasNext()) {;



return n;


public T last() {

return s.findLT(b);


protected final T max(T x, T y) {

if (x == null)

return y;

if (y == null)

return x;

if (s.comparator().compare(x, y) > 0)

return x;

return y;


protected final T min(T x, T y) {

if (x == null)

return y;

if (y == null)

return x;

if (s.comparator().compare(x, y) < 0)

return x;

return y;


protected final void rangeCheck(T x) {

Comparator<? super T> c = s.comparator();

if ((a != null &&, a) < 0)

|| (b != null &&, b) >= 0))

throw new IllegalArgumentException();


public boolean add(T x) {


return super.add(x);



public boolean remove(Object x) {

rangeCheck((T) x);

return super.remove(x);


public SortedSet<T> subSet(T a, T b) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, max(a, this.a), min(b, this.b));


public SortedSet<T> headSet(T b) {

return subSet(a, b);


public SortedSet<T> tailSet(T a) {

return subSet(a, b);



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.AbstractSet;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.SortedSet;


* This class is a wrapper that allows any class that implements SSet<T> to

* allow it to also implement SortedSet<T>.

* @param <T>


public class SortedSSet<T> extends AbstractSet<T> implements SortedSet<T> {

protected SSet<T> s;

public SortedSSet(SSet<T> s) {

this.s = s;


public Comparator<? super T> comparator() {

return s.comparator();


public T first() {

return s.findGE(null);


public T last() {

return s.findLT(null);


public SortedSet<T> headSet(T b) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, null, b);


public SortedSet<T> subSet(T a, T b) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, a, b);


public SortedSet<T> tailSet(T a) {

return new RangeSSet<T>(s, a, null);


public boolean add(T x) {

return s.add(x);


public void clear() {




public boolean contains(Object o) {

T y = s.findGE((T) o);

return y != null && y.equals(o);


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

return s.iterator();



public boolean remove(Object x) {

return s.remove((T) x);


public int size() {

return s.size();


public boolean isEmpty() {

return !s.iterator().hasNext();



package comp2402a5;

import java.util.Comparator;

import java.util.Iterator;


* The SSet<T> interface is a simple interface that allows a class to implement

* all the functionality of the (more complicated) SortedSet<T> interface. Any

* class that implements SSet<T> can be wrapped in a SortedSSet<T> to obtain an

* implementation of SortedSet<T>


* @author morin


* @param <T>

* @see SortedSSet<T>


public interface SSet<T> extends Iterable<T> {


* @return the comparator used by this SSet


public Comparator<? super T> comparator();


* @return the number of elements in this SSet


public int size();


* Find the smallest element in the SSet that is greater than or equal to x.

* If x is null, return the smallest element in the SSet


* @param x

* @return the smallest element in the SSet that is greater than or equal to

*         x. If x is null then the smallest element in the SSet


public T findGE(T x);


* Find the largest element in the SSet that is greater than to x. If x is

* null, return the largest element in the SSet


* @param x

* @return the largest element in the SSet that is less than x. If x is null

*         then the smallest element in the SSet


public T findLT(T x);


* Add the element x to the SSet


* @param x

* @return true if the element was added or false if x was already in the

*         set


public boolean add(T x);


* Remove the element x from the SSet


* @param x

* @return true if x was removed and false if x was not removed (because x

*         was not present)


public boolean remove(T x);


* Clear the SSet, removing all elements from the set


public void clear();


* Return an iterator that iterates over the elements in sorted order,

* starting at the first element that is greater than or equal to x.


public Iterator<T> iterator(T x);


package comp2402a5;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Set;

import java.util.SortedSet;

import java.util.TreeSet;


* A utility class with some static methods for testing List implementations


public class Testum {

protected static void myassert(boolean b) throws AssertionError {

if (!b) {

throw new AssertionError();



protected static String s(Object c) {

return c.getClass().getName();


public static void sortedSetSanityTests(SortedSet<Integer> ss, int n) {

SortedSet<Integer> ts = new TreeSet<Integer>();


Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Integer x = r.nextInt(2*n);

if (ts.add(x) != ss.add(x))

throw new RuntimeException(“add(x) returned wrong value”);

if (!compareSortedSets(ts,ss))

throw new RuntimeException(“sorted sets differ!”);


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Integer x = r.nextInt(2*n);

if (ts.remove(x) != ss.remove(x))

throw new RuntimeException(“remove(x) returned wrong value”);

if (!compareSortedSets(ts,ss))

throw new RuntimeException(“sorted sets differ!”);






public static void sortedSetSpeedTests(Collection<SortedSet<Integer>> css, int n) {

long start, stop;

for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {


myassert(ss.size() == 0);


for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random insertions (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);

myassert(ss.size() >= n/2);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random contains (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random removals (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“random headSets (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {


Iterator<Integer> it = ss.iterator();

if (it.hasNext());


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“iteration (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (Integer i : ss) { i = i + 1; }

stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“clear (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“sequential insertions (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

myassert(ss.size() == i);



stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);

myassert(ss.size() == n);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“sequential contains (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“sequential headSets (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)


stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);



for (SortedSet<Integer> ss : css) {

System.out.print(“iteration over subSets (” + s(ss) + “)…”);

start = System.nanoTime();

for (Integer i : ss.subSet(n/2, 3*n/4)) { i = i + 1; }

stop = System.nanoTime();

System.out.println(” ” + (1e-9 * (stop – start)) + ” seconds”);




protected static <T> boolean compareSortedSets(Collection<T> a, Collection<T> b) {

if (a.size() != b.size())

return false;

for (T x : a) {

if (!b.contains(x)) return false;


for (T x : b) {

if (!a.contains(x)) return false;


Iterator<T> ita = a.iterator();

Iterator<T> itb = b.iterator();

while (ita.hasNext()) {

if (!

return false;


return true;

