Average values in 68000 assembly

Average Values in 68000 Assembly

Write an MC68000 assembly language program that computes the average of fifteen data
bytes in memory
• Your program should expect to find the data bytes stored at memory locations$600 thru $60E. All values are positive and their sum may require more than 8bits.
• Your program should store the result as follows:
o Integral part of average at Byte $760
o Fractional part x 10 (the remainder after division) at Byte $761
• Start your executable instructions at $800
• Your executable instructions should not use numbers to specify any addresses.
o Use ORG directives to set the location counter to the proper place,
o Use DS.B directives to define names for the data bytes, and
oSpecify the data address by name in the instructions.

Example: ORG $600
ORG $800
• End your program with TRAP #15 (D0 set to 9) and END
• Include global and local comments
• Run the program several times with different data. Be sure to set the PC for $800,
not $600




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ORG    $600

DATA1   DS.B 1

DATA2   DS.B 1

DATA3   DS.B 1

DATA4   DS.B 1

DATA5   DS.B 1

DATA6   DS.B 1

DATA7   DS.B 1

DATA8   DS.B 1

DATA9   DS.B 1

DATA10   DS.B 1

DATA11   DS.B 1

DATA12   DS.B 1

DATA13   DS.B 1

DATA14   DS.B 1

DATA15   DS.B 1

ORG $760



ORG $800

MOVE.L  #0,D1       ; D1 will contain the sum, initialize to zero

MOVE.B  DATA1, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA2, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA3, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA4, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA5, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA6, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA7, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA8, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA9, D0   ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA10, D0  ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA11, D0  ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA12, D0  ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA13, D0  ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA14, D0  ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

MOVE.B  DATA15, D0  ; load value from array into D0

ADD.L   D0,D1       ; add read data to D1

DIVU    #15,D1      ; divide sum by 15 to get the average

MOVE.B  D1,INTEG    ; save quotient as integral part

SWAP    D1          ; put the remainder in the low word of D1

MOVE.B  D1,FRACT    ; save remainder as fractional part

MOVE.L #9,D0        ; end program

TRAP #15


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