Translate 4 C programs into MIPS assembly

Translate 4 C programs into MIPS assembly 

MIPS programs translated from C code


# Declare main as a global function

.globl main

# All program code is placed after the

# .text assembler directive


# The label ‘main’ represents the starting point


lw $s0, Z #load z=2 into s0 register

lw $s1, i #load i=0(initialization of i) into s1 register

li $t1, 20

li $t2, 0

li $t3, 100

li $t4, 1


#dont know how to do while(1)

bgt $s1, $t1, do #check if i>20, and switch to do loop

addi $s0, $s0, 1 #(z=z++)=(z=z+1)

addi $s1, $s1, 2 #i=i+2

j while


addi $s0, $s0, 1 #(z=z++)=(z=z+1)

blt $s0, $t3, while2#move to while2 label after this instruction

j do #jump ot do while loop after going into the do loop


ble $s1, $t2, storewordandexit #jump to next label

sub $s0, $s0, $t4 #(z=z–)=(z=z-1)

sub $s1, $s1, $t4 #(i=i–)=(i=i-1)

j while2


la $t5, Z #load z

la $t6, i #load i

sw $s0, 0($t5) #store z in address

sw $s1, 0($t6) #store i in address

# Exit the program by means of a syscall.

# There are many syscalls – pick the desired one

# by placing its code in $v0. The code for exit is “10”

li $v0, 10 # Sets $v0 to “10” to select exit syscall

syscall # Exit

# All memory structures are placed after the

# .data assembler directive

# The .word assembler directive reserves space

# in memory for a single 4-byte word (or multiple 4-byte words)

# and assigns that memory location an initial value

# (or a comma separated list of initial values)


Z: .word 2

i: .word 0


# Declare main as a global function

.globl main

# All program code is placed after the

# .text assembler directive


# The label ‘main’ represents the starting point


la $s1, A # Address of element at A

la $s2, B # Address of element at A

lw $s3, C #load C

lw $s4, i #load i

li $t1, 5 #temp val

li $t4, 0 #temp val

li $t5, 0 #temp val offset

li $s6, 1#for decrement


bge $s4, $t1, while #go to while loop if i>=5

add $t6, $t5, $s2 #add offset value with the address for the array

lw $t2, 0($s6) #load value at ith position in memory for B[i]

add $t3, $t2, $s3 #add B[i]+c

add $t7, $s1, $t5 #add address of A with offset

sw $t3, 0($t7) #store values into A[i]

addi $s4, $s4, 1 # i++(increment)

addi $t5, $t5, 4 #incrementing offset by 4 (bytes)

j for #go back to for loop

sub $s4, $s4, $s6 #i=i-1

li $t6, 2 #for multiplication in while loop

li $t5, 16 # offset is 16


blt $s4, $t4, exit

add $t7, $s1, $t5#add address of A with offset

lw $t3, 0($t7)#load value into ith element of A[i]

mul $t3, $t3, $t6 #while loop multiplication

sw $t3, 0($t7) #store value

addi $t5, $t5, -4 #incrementing offset by 4 (bytes)

sub $s4, $s4, $s6 #i=i-1

j while


# Exit the program by means of a syscall.

# There are many syscalls – pick the desired one

# by placing its code in $v0. The code for exit is “10”

li $v0, 10 # Sets $v0 to “10” to select exit syscall

syscall # Exit

# All memory structures are placed after the

# .data assembler directive


# The .word assembler directive reserves space

# in memory for a single 4-byte word (or multiple 4-byte words)

# and assigns that memory location an initial value

# (or a comma separated list of initial values)

A: .space 20#Int(4 bytes)x5=20 bytes of space

B: .word 1,2,3,4,5

C: .word 12

i: .word 0


.globl main


li    $s0, 0            # $s0 = i = 0

li    $s1, 0            # $s1 = *result = NULL pointer


# Obtain string from user, e.g. “Constantinople”

li    $v0, 8            # 8 = syscall code to read string

la    $a0, buffer # $a0 = address of buffer that will store input

li    $a1, 256    # $a1 = 256 = max chars to put in buffer (last will be null)

syscall                 # Read in at most 255 characters and put them in buffer

# Search string for letter ‘e’.

# Result is pointer to first e (if it exists)

# or NULL pointer if it does not exist


# Get &string[i] in $t0 and string[i] in $t1

la    $t0, buffer # $t0 = base address of buffer

add   $t0, $t0, $s0     # $t0 = base address + i = address of string[i]

lb    $t1, 0($t0) # $t1 = string[i]

beqz  $t1, endLoop      # If string[i] is a null byte (0), break

# Check if string[i] is e

bne   $t1, ‘e’, notE    # If $t1 is not ‘e’, jump to label “notE”

# If we get here, we found ‘e’

move  $s1, $t0    # result = &string[i]

j     endLoop           # break

notE: # Get here if we just checked a letter and it wasn’t ‘e’

addi  $s0, $s0, 1 # i++

j     while       # Loop


beqz  $s1, noMatchFound # If result == NULL, branch to “noMatchFound”

# If we get here, a match was found.

# First line of “match found” result:

li    $v0, 4            # 4 = syscall code to print string

la    $a0, firstMatch   # $a0 = address of string “First match at address ”

syscall                 # Print “First match at address ”

li    $v0, 1            # 1 = syscall code to print int (in this case, an address)

move  $a0, $s1    # $a0 = result = int to print

syscall                 # Print result

li    $v0, 11           # 11 = syscall code to print char (in this case, a new line)

li    $a0, ‘\n’   # $a0 = ascii code for new line char

syscall                 # Print new line

# Second line of “match found” result:

li    $v0, 4            # 4 = syscall code to print string

la    $a0, matching     # $a0 = address of string “The matching character is ”

syscall                 # Print “The matching character is ”

li    $v0, 11           # 11 = syscall code to print char (in this case, the matching char)

move  $a0, $t1    # $a0 = $t1 = matching char

syscall                 # Print matching char

li    $v0, 11           # 11 = syscall code to print char (in this case, a new line)

li    $a0, ‘\n’   # $a0 = ascii code for new line char

syscall                 # Print new line

# Exit

j     exit


li    $v0, 4            # 4 = syscall code to print string

la    $a0, noMatch      # $a0 = address of string “No match found\n”

syscall                 # Print “No match found\n”


li    $v0, 10           # 10 = syscall code to exit

syscall                 # exit


firstMatch: .asciiz “First match at address ”

matching:   .asciiz “The matching character is ”

noMatch:    .asciiz “No match found\n”

buffer:           .byte 256   # 256 byte space in memory for input 


globl main



li    $s0, 0            # $s0 = i = 0

li    $s1, 0            # $s1 = *result = NULL pointer



# Obtain string from user, e.g. “Constantinople”

li    $v0, 8            # 8 = syscall code to read string

la    $a0, buffer # $a0 = address of buffer that will store input

li    $a1, 256    # $a1 = 256 = max chars to put in buffer (last will be null)

syscall                 # Read in at most 255 characters and put them in buffer


# Search string for letter ‘e’.

# Result is pointer to first e (if it exists)

# or NULL pointer if it does not exist


# Get &string[i] in $t0 and string[i] in $t1

la    $t0, buffer # $t0 = base address of buffer

add   $t0, $t0, $s0     # $t0 = base address + i = address of string[i]

lb    $t1, 0($t0) # $t1 = string[i]


beqz  $t1, endLoop      # If string[i] is a null byte (0), break


# Check if string[i] is e

bne   $t1, ‘e’, notE    # If $t1 is not ‘e’, jump to label “notE”


# If we get here, we found ‘e’

move  $s1, $t0    # result = &string[i]

j     endLoop           # break


notE: # Get here if we just checked a letter and it wasn’t ‘e’

addi  $s0, $s0, 1 # i++

j     while       # Loop



la  $t0,result  # save result in variable

sw  $s1,($t0)


beqz  $s1, noMatchFound # If result == NULL, branch to “noMatchFound”



# If we get here, a match was found.

# First line of “match found” result:

li    $v0, 4            # 4 = syscall code to print string

la    $a0, firstMatch   # $a0 = address of string “First match at address ”

syscall                 # Print “First match at address ”


li    $v0, 1            # 1 = syscall code to print int (in this case, an address)

move  $a0, $s1    # $a0 = result = int to print

syscall                 # Print result


li    $v0, 11           # 11 = syscall code to print char (in this case, a new line)

li    $a0, ‘\n’   # $a0 = ascii code for new line char

syscall                 # Print new line


# Second line of “match found” result:

li    $v0, 4            # 4 = syscall code to print string

la    $a0, matching     # $a0 = address of string “The matching character is ”

syscall                 # Print “The matching character is ”


li    $v0, 11           # 11 = syscall code to print char (in this case, the matching char)

move  $a0, $t1    # $a0 = $t1 = matching char

syscall                 # Print matching char


li    $v0, 11           # 11 = syscall code to print char (in this case, a new line)

li    $a0, ‘\n’   # $a0 = ascii code for new line char

syscall                 # Print new line


# Exit

j     exit



li    $v0, 4            # 4 = syscall code to print string

la    $a0, noMatch      # $a0 = address of string “No match found\n”

syscall                 # Print “No match found\n”



li    $v0, 10           # 10 = syscall code to exit

syscall                 # exit




firstMatch: .asciiz “First match at address ”

matching:   .asciiz “The matching character is ”

noMatch:    .asciiz “No match found\n”

result:     .word 0

buffer:           .byte 256   # 256 byte space in memory for input



# Declare main as a global function

.globl main

# All program code is placed after the

# .text assembler directive


# The label ‘main’ represents the starting point


lw $s0, Z #load z=2 into s0 register

lw $s1, i #load i=0(initialization of i) into s1 register

li $t1, 20

li $t2, 0

li $t3, 100

li $t4, 1


#dont know how to do while(1)

bgt $s1, $t1, do #check if i>20, and switch to do loop

addi $s0, $s0, 1 #(z=z++)=(z=z+1)

addi $s1, $s1, 2 #i=i+2

j while


addi $s0, $s0, 1 #(z=z++)=(z=z+1)

blt  $s0, $t3, do #repeat do loop only if Z<100



ble $s1, $t2, storewordandexit #jump to next label

sub $s0, $s0, $t4 #(z=z–)=(z=z-1)

sub $s1, $s1, $t4 #(i=i–)=(i=i-1)

j while2


la $t5, Z #load z

la $t6, i #load i

sw $s0, 0($t5) #store z in address

sw $s1, 0($t6) #store i in address

# Exit the program by means of a syscall.

# There are many syscalls – pick the desired one

# by placing its code in $v0. The code for exit is “10”

li $v0, 10 # Sets $v0 to “10” to select exit syscall

syscall # Exit

# All memory structures are placed after the

# .data assembler directive

# The .word assembler directive reserves space

# in memory for a single 4-byte word (or multiple 4-byte words)

# and assigns that memory location an initial value

# (or a comma separated list of initial values)


Z: .word 2

i: .word 0


# Declare main as a global function

.globl main

# All program code is placed after the

# .text assembler directive


# The label ‘main’ represents the starting point


la $s1, A # Address of element at A

la $s2, B # Address of element at A

lw $s3, C #load C

lw $s4, i #load i

li $t1, 5 #temp val

li $t4, 0 #temp val

li $t5, 0 #temp val offset

li $s6, 1#for decrement


bge $s4, $t1, endfor #go to endfor if i>=5

add $t6, $t5, $s2 #add offset value with the address for the array

lw $t2, 0($t6) #load value at ith position in memory for B[i]

add $t3, $t2, $s3 #add B[i]+c

add $t7, $s1, $t5 #add address of A with offset

sw $t3, 0($t7) #store values into A[i]

addi $s4, $s4, 1 # i++(increment)

addi $t5, $t5, 4 #incrementing offset by 4 (bytes)

j for #go back to for loop


sub $s4, $s4, $s6 #i=i-1

addi $t5, $t5, -4 #decrement offset by 4 (bytes)

li $t6, 2 #for multiplication in while loop


blt $s4, $t4, exit

add $t7, $s1, $t5#add address of A with offset

lw $t3, 0($t7)#load value into ith element of A[i]

mul $t3, $t3, $t6 #while loop multiplication

sw $t3, 0($t7) #store value

addi $t5, $t5, -4 #incrementing offset by 4 (bytes)

sub $s4, $s4, $s6 #i=i-1

j while


# Exit the program by means of a syscall.

# There are many syscalls – pick the desired one

# by placing its code in $v0. The code for exit is “10”

li $v0, 10 # Sets $v0 to “10” to select exit syscall

syscall # Exit

# All memory structures are placed after the

# .data assembler directive


# The .word assembler directive reserves space

# in memory for a single 4-byte word (or multiple 4-byte words)

# and assigns that memory location an initial value

# (or a comma separated list of initial values)

A: .space 20#Int(4 bytes)x5=20 bytes of space

B: .word 1,2,3,4,5

C: .word 12

i: .word 0