Mouse click event for concentration game in MIPS assembly

Mouse click event for concentration game in MIPS assembly

  1. Deal the cards face down.
  2. Add a polling loop at the beginning of your main program to request the character for the level of difficulty. (this will randomize the syscall random.
  3. Create a map structure to map mouse click co-ordinates to cards. Initialize it to NULL pointers, and then fill it with card pointers as you create the cards.
  4. Add a polling loop at the end of initializations in main to wait for mouse clicks.
  5. Add method. Using a global (static) state variable, and two global (static) card pointers, implement this state machine:


# { box class

box:    .struct

ul:     .byte    0          # upper left

top:    .byte    0

ur:     .byte    0          # upper right

left:   .byte    0

middle: .byte    0

right:  .byte    0

ll:     .byte    0          # lower left

bot:    .byte    0          # bottom

lr:     .byte    0          # lower right


# { card class

card:   .struct

word:   .word 0

x:      .word 0

y:      .word 0

match:  .byte 0

faceup: .byte 0

.byte 0

.byte 0


.align  4

infile: .asciiz “wordfile.txt”

words:  .space  2444  #611*4

.extern state,4

.extern card1,4

.extern card2,4

# { instances of box}


.ascii    ”         ”

boxd:   .byte   201,205,187

.byte   186,32,186

.byte   200,205,188

boxs:   .byte    218,196,191

.byte    179,32,179

.byte    192,196,217

boxw:   .ascii    “¬Þ¬Þ¬Þ”

.ascii    “§ ˆ”

.ascii    “‡‡‡”

boxg1:  .ascii    “¬¡¬¡¬¡¬¡ ¬¡¬¡¬¡¬¡”

boxb:   .ascii    “¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý ¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý”

.extern lfsr,4


keyboard:  .struct 0xa0000000   #start from hardware base address

flags:          .byte 0

mask:      .byte 0

.half 0

keypress: .byte 0,0,0

presscon: .byte 0

keydown:   .half 0

shiftdown: .byte 0

downcon:   .byte 0

keyup:          .half 0

upshift:   .byte 0

upcon:          .byte 0


# void box::draw(int x:a0, int y:a1, int w:a2, int h:a3,box *this:s0)



mov     $t9,$a0             # save x for re-use

syscall $xy                 #

lb      $a0,box.ul($s0)

syscall $print_char

lb      $a0,$s0)

mov     $t0,$a2

b       2f

1:  syscall $print_char

addi    $t0,$t0,-1

2:  bgtz    $t0,1b

lb      $a0,box.ur($s0)

syscall $print_char

mov     $a0,$t9

addi    $a1,$a1,1

syscall $xy

b       4f

3:  lb      $a0,box.left($s0)

syscall $print_char

lb      $a0,box.middle($s0)  #

mov     $t0,$a2

b       2f

1:  syscall $print_char

addi    $t0,$t0,-1

2:  bgtz    $t0,1b

lb      $a0,box.right($s0)

syscall $print_char

mov     $a0,$t9

addi    $a1,$a1,1

syscall $xy

addi    $a3,$a3,-1

4:  bgtz    $a3,3b

lb      $a0,box.ll($s0)

syscall $print_char

lb      $a0,$s0)

mov     $t0,$a2

b       2f

1:  syscall $print_char

addi    $t0,$t0,-1

2:  bgtz    $t0,1b

lb      $a0,$s0)

syscall $print_char

jr      $ra


# int random()

# random generator that uses the Galois LFSR PRNG function


li   $v0,0x0d000001

lw   $t0,lfsr($gp)

srl  $t1,$t0,1

andi $t0,$t0,1

beqz $t0,1f

li   $t0,-1

1:  and  $v0,$v0,$t0

xor  $v0,$v0,$t1

sw   $v0,lfsr($gp)

jr   $ra


#void Fileread(a0: char * filename,a1: char * buffer)


or    $t0,$a1,$0    # save pointer to place to load file

add   $a1,$0,$0

add   $a2,$0,$0

syscall $open

add   $a0,$v0,$0    # save file descriptor

or    $a1,$t0,$0    # recover pointer to buffer

ori   $a2,$0,1      # read a single char at a time

ori   $t1,$0,611    # counter of words

1:  syscall $read       # read a char

lb   $t0,($a1)      # load read char in t3

beqz $t0,2f

beq  $t0,13,1b      # if it’s CR, continue

beq  $t0,10,2f      # if we reached end of line, continue

addi $a1,$a1,1

b    1b

2:  sb   $0,($a1)       # insert end of string

addi $a1,$a1,1

addi $t1,$t1,-1

bnez $t1,1b

syscall $close

jr  $ra


# void card.card(card * c)


addi    $sp,$sp,-12

sw      $ra,0($sp)     # save return address

sw      $s0,4($sp)

sw      $s1,8($sp)

or      $s1,$0,$a0

lw      $a0,card.x($s1)

lw      $a1,card.y($s1)

ori     $a2,$0,3

ori     $a3,$0,1

lb      $t0,card.match($s1)

beqz    $t0,0f

la      $s0,boxBlank

b       2f

0:  lb      $t1,card.faceup($s1)

bnez    $t1,1f              # draw up

la      $s0,boxd

b       2f

1:  la      $s0,boxs

2:  jalbox.draw

lb      $t0,card.faceup($s1)

beqz    $t0,3f              # for face down, don’t draw word

lw      $a0,card.x($s1)

addi $a0,$a0,1

lw      $a1,card.y($s1)

addi $a1,$a1,1

syscall $xy                 # else, put the word

lw      $t0,card.word($s1)

sll     $t0,$t0,2

la      $t1,words

add     $a0,$t1,$t0

syscall $print_string

3:  lw      $ra,0($sp)

lw      $s0,4($sp)

lw      $s1,8($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,12

jr      $ra


# void card.card(card * c)


addi    $sp,$sp,-4

sw      $ra,0($sp)     # save return address

sw      $0,card.word($a0)

sw      $0,card.x($a0)

sw      $0,card.y($a0)

sb      $0,card.match($a0)

ori     $t0,$0,0

sb      $t0,card.faceup($a0)

lw      $ra,0($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,4

jr  $ra


# card *

addi    $sp,$sp,-12

sw      $ra,0($sp)      # save return address

sw      $s0,4($sp)

sw      $a0,8($sp)

ori     $a0,$0,16       # reserve space for a card

syscall $malloc

or      $s0,$0,$v0

or      $a0,$0,$v0


or      $v0,$0,$s0

lw      $ra,0($sp)

lw      $s0,4($sp)

lw      $a0,8($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,12

jr      $ra


#void Shuffle(card * array[ ]:a0, int N:a1)


addi    $sp,$sp,-8

sw      $ra,0($sp)     # save return address

sw      $a1,4($sp)

1:  jal     random

div     $v0,$a1

mfhi    $t0

sll     $t0,$t0,2

add     $t0,$t0,$a0

lw      $t2,($t0)

addi    $a1,$a1,-1

sll     $t1,$a1,2

add     $t1,$t1,$a0

lw      $t3,($t1)

lw      $t4,card.word($t2)  # shuffle only the words…

lw      $t5,card.word($t3)

sw      $t5,card.word($t2)

sw      $t4,card.word($t3)

bgtz    $a1,1b

lw      $ra,0($sp)

lw      $a1,4($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,8

jr      $ra


# void clrscr()


addi    $sp,$sp,-16

sw      $ra,0($sp)     # save return address

sw      $a0,4($sp)

sw      $a1,8($sp)

sw      $v0,12($sp)

ori     $t0,$0,25

ori     $a0,$0,10

1:  syscall $print_char

addi    $t0,$t0,-1

bnez    $t0,1b

or      $a0,$0,$0

or      $a1,$0,$0

syscall $xy

lw      $ra,0($sp)

lw      $a0,4($sp)

lw      $a1,8($sp)

lw      $v0,12($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,16

jr      $ra



prompt: .asciiz    “Please enter the level of difficulty (1-6): ”

exit:   .asciiz    ” Press Enter to continue, x to exit: ”

n:      .word   0

wid:    .word   0

hei:    .word   0

array:  .word   0   # pointer to start address of array of cards


mouse:      .struct  0xa0000018

flags:      .byte 0

mask:       .byte 0

.half 0

.word 0

move:       .word 0,0

down:       .word 0,0

up:         .word 0,0

wheel:      .word 0,0

wheeldown:  .word 0,0

wheelup:    .word 0,0


.globl    main


# intpollMouse()


addi    $sp,$sp,-12

sw      $ra,0($sp)     # save return address

sw      $s0,4($sp)

sw      $s1,8($sp)

or      $t1,$0,$0

or      $t2,$0,$0

1:  la      $a0,mouse.flags

li      $a1,1

syscall $IO_read

beqz    $v0,1b

move    $t2,$v0

andi    $t0,$t2,1

beqz    $t0,2f

la      $a0,mouse.move

li      $a1,4

syscall $IO_read

2:  andi    $t0,$t2,2

beqz    $t0,3f

la      $a0,mouse.down

li      $a1,4

syscall $IO_read

bnez    $t1,3f

ori     $t1,$t1,1

3:  andi    $t0,$t2,4

beqz    $t0,4f

la      $a0,mouse.up

li      $a1,4

syscall $IO_read

beqz    $t1,4f

ori     $t1,$t1,2

andi    $s0,$v0,0xFFFF

srl     $s1,$v0,16

4:  andi    $t0,$t2,8

beqz    $t0,5f

la      $a0,mouse.wheel

li      $a1,4

syscall $IO_read

5:  andi    $t0,$t2,16

beqz    $t0,6f

la      $a0,mouse.wheeldown

li      $a1,4

syscall $IO_read

6:  andi    $t0,$t2,32

bnez    $t0,7f

la      $a0,mouse.wheelup

li      $a1,4

syscall $IO_read

7:  bne     $t1,3,1b

8:  move    $v0,$s0

move    $v1,$s1

lw      $ra,0($sp)

lw      $s0,4($sp)

lw      $s1,8($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,12

jr      $ra

# card.clic(card * c: a0)


addi    $sp,$sp,-20

sw      $ra,0($sp)     # save return address

sw      $s0,4($sp)

sw      $s1,8($sp)

sw      $s2,12($sp)

sw      $s3,16($sp)

lb      $t0,card.match($a0)

bnez    $t0,6f

lw      $s0,state($gp)

lw      $s1,card1($gp)

lw      $s2,card2($gp)

ori     $t0,$0,1

bnez    $s0,1f

addi    $s0,$s0,1

move    $s1,$a0

b       5f

1:  bne     $s0,1,2f

addi    $s0,$s0,1

move    $s2,$a0

bne     $s1,$s2,5f

or      $t0,$0,$0

or      $s0,$0,$0

b       5f

2:  move    $s3,$a0

sb      $0,card.faceup($s1)

sb      $0,card.faceup($s2)

lw      $t1,card.word($s1)

lw      $t2,card.word($s2)

bne     $t1,$t2,3f

sb      $t0,card.match($s1)

sb      $t0,card.match($s2)

3:  move     $a0,$s1


move    $a0,$s2


beq     $s3,$s1,4f

beq     $s3,$s2,4f

move    $a0,$s3

move    $s1,$s3

ori     $s0,$0,1

ori     $t0,$0,1

b       5f

4:  or      $s0,$0,$0

b       6f

5:  sb      $t0,card.faceup($a0)


6:  sw      $s0,state($gp)

sw      $s1,card1($gp)

sw      $s2,card2($gp)

lw      $ra,0($sp)

lw      $s0,4($sp)

lw      $s1,8($sp)

lw      $s2,12($sp)

lw      $s3,16($sp)

add     $sp,$sp,20

jr $ra


# void main()


ori     $t0,$0,1

sw      $t0,lfsr($gp)

la      $a0,infile  # load all words in memory

la      $a1,words


1:  jalclrscr

la      $a0,prompt

syscall $print_string


jal     random

la       $a0,keyboard.flags     # hardware address of keyboard flags

addi $a1,$0,1        # 1 byte of data

syscall $IO_read           # read flags

blez $v0,kloop       # branch if no keyboard flags

andi $t0,$v0,1       # flag bit 0

beqz    $t0,kloop

la       $a0,keyboard.keypress  # hardware address of ascii data

addi $a1,$0,1        # 1 byte of data

syscall    $IO_read

addi    $v0,$v0,-48

beqz    $v0,1b        #

sltiu   $t0,$v0,7       # check for out-of-range

beqz    $t0,1b          # try again

jalclrscr          # clear the screen

sw      $0,state($gp)

sw      $0,card1($gp)

sw      $0,card2($gp)

ori     $t0,$0,2

sllv    $s0,$t0,$v0     # calculate 2<<n

la      $s1,n

sw      $v0,($s1)       # save difficulty n

or      $a0,$0,$s0      # reserve space for card array

sll     $a0,$a0,2       # multiply by 4 to get number in bytes

syscall $malloc

la      $t0,array       # point to start of array with s5

sw      $v0,($t0)       # save pointer to allocated array

or      $s5,$0,$v0

lw      $v0,($s1)       # restore difficulty level in v0

li      $s1,2           # initial boxes wide

li      $s2,1           # initial boxes tall

andi    $t0,$v0,1       # odd?

srl     $v0,$v0,1       # divided by 2

sllv    $s1,$s1,$v0

add     $v0,$v0,$t0

sllv    $s2,$s2,$v0

la      $t0,wid

sw      $s1,($t0)

la      $t0,hei

sw      $s2,($t0)

or      $s7,$0,$0

mov     $s4,$0          # working counters y

mov     $s3,$0          #            x

li      $a2,3           # width of middle of box

2:  li      $a3,1           # height of middle of box

sll     $a0,$s3,2

add     $a0,$a0,$s3     # x = 5 * s3

sll     $a1,$s4,1

add     $a1,$a1,$s4     # y = 3 * s4

or      $s0,$v0,$0

sw      $a0,card.x($s0) # save x and y

sw      $a1,card.y($s0)

bnez    $s7,3f

jal     random          # generate a word number

ori     $t0,$0,611

divu    $v0,$t0

mfhi    $s6

3:  sw      $s6,card.word($s0)

sw      $s0,($s5)

addi    $s5,$s5,4

xori    $s7,$s7,1

addi    $s3,$s3,1

bne     $s3,$s1,2b

mov     $s3,$0

addi    $s4,$s4,1

bne     $s4,$s2,2b

la      $t0,array       # shuffle the cards

lw      $a0,($t0)

la      $t0,n

lw      $t1,($t0)

ori     $t0,$0,2

sllv    $a1,$t0,$t1     # calculate 2<<n

jal     Shuffle

or      $s0,$a1,$0      # print cards

la      $t0,array

lw      $s1,($t0)       # get array pointer in s1

4:  lw      $t0,($s1)       # get a card pointer

or      $a0,$0,$t0


addi    $s1,$s1,4

addi    $s0,$s0,-1

bnez    $s0,4b

li      $s0,0

li      $s1,0

li      $s2,0

5:  jalpollMouse

li      $t0,5

div     $t1,$v0,$t0

li      $t0,3

div     $t2,$v1,$t0

la      $t0,wid

lw      $t3,($t0)

la      $t0,hei

lw      $t4,($t0)

bge     $t1,$t3,5b

bge     $t2,$t4,5b

mul     $t0,$t2,$t3

add     $t0,$t0,$t1

sll     $t0,$t0,2

la      $t1,array

lw      $a0,($t1)       # get array pointer in a0

add     $a0,$a0,$t0

lw      $a0,($a0)


b       5b

or      $s0,$a1,$0      # free all allocated space

la      $t0,array

lw      $s1,($t0)       # get array pointer in s1

10: lw      $a0,($s1)       # get a card pointer

syscall $free

addi    $s1,$s1,4

addi    $s0,$s0,-1

bnez    $s0,10b

la      $t0,array

lw      $a0,($t0)       # get pointer to allocated array

syscall $free           # free it

or      $a0,$0,$0

ori     $a1,$0,24

syscall $xy

la      $a0,exit

syscall $print_string

syscall $read_char

bne     $v0,’x,1b

syscall $exit