Demonstrate C++ OOP, overloaded operators, templates, etc.
Write a section of code that demonstrates the following aspects of OOP in C++:
- Over-loading using multiple constructors.
- Over-riding of a method through inheritance.
- An example of Multiple Inheritance (it does not have to make perfect sense).
- Separate compilation with all classes in your assignment.
- Example use of a friend functions that receives an object of a class.
- Abstract classes with a method that is required in all derived classes.
- A class with a modified copy constructor and demonstrate the effect of this on pass-by-value and pass-by-reference calls.
- A working destructor with some basic functionality. Demonstrate it working in your main() function.
- Correct use of three over-loaded operators (e.g., +, = and ==) for one of your classes.
- Correct use of all access specifiers (public, private, protected) in an appropriate way.
- Operations on pointers to arrays of objects. The operation should call the function that is defined in point 6 above.
- Use of all four C++ style casts.
- Use of dynamic binding with virtual & non-virtual methods. Demonstrate the impact.
- Correct use of new and delete for the allocation of an object/objects, with operations on the object using pointers. (Can be combined with other points)
- Static states of a class and an example usage. Demonstrate the impact.
- Demonstrates the difference between a C++ class and a C++ struct.
- Passing an object to a method by constant reference. Demonstrate the impact.
- Write a straightforward class template.
- Use of the vector container to contain a number of objects of one of your classes.
- Use of an algorithm on your container.
Animal Aplication
The application shows Animal class wich includes animal age, speed and weight.
However, there could be many animals in the world so that it will be helpful to distribute them into classes.
For example, Fishes and Preys are animals which can inherite age, speed and weight.
But Even Fish and Prey classes have different memebers which can make them different.
Also, Animal class has speed and Color class has a color name and those two memebrs can be inheruted by car.
Car class inherites speed from Animals and color from Color class.
- the class has over-loading because print() will print either speed and age or it will print only weight using multiple constructor.
- the class needs over-riding because display() will be used in different classes in parent and child.
- multiple inheritance used to take two different members from two different classes. Car will inherite speed from animals and color from Colors and at the end the car will have registration number, speed and color.
- seperate classes used to make it easier to work in classes as header file will have only prototype of class and the implemantation will be in cpp file.
- friend function used to make the compiler trust me!! the application used it to make the registration number of car class to be fixed number for all dublin car.
- class Animals is abstract because missing of MaxTemp() method wich defined in car, prey and fishes classes which can be differnet for each one. Also, class color is abstract because missing type() method which implemented in car class.
- modefied copy constructor is used when we have the same animal type. it makes it easier in Prey class to pass by refference and by value when we have to similar lions living in Africa.
- the distructor is used in all classes to clean up the distroyed object after call it.
- overloaded operators used in fishes class to assign fish weight and age as same as the second fish(=), to add the age of two fishes(+) and to check if the two fishes have same age and weight.
- private used Prey class to make name and home be accessed only in the Prey class. public used in all classes to make methods be accessed anywhere in the code. protected used in animal and color classes to make car, fishes and prey classes accesse their variables.
- array pointers used in int main() to make array of objects of the same class and then using pointers to display the output and to demonstrate the abstract classes are working.
- the application used casts to convert weight from float to integer in animal class and dynamic_cast used in fish class by pointer.
- in animal class, display function is virtual and it’s overrided in car, fishes and prey classes. the overrided function in child classes are void display() so the application can use pointer to display prey, fish and car at same time.
- new and delete are used to set up a memory location and dealocate it when the object is destroyed. the application uses this in in main().
- class animal has a speed where the speed sometimes is nearly same for most animals. static intnextSpeed is used to set animal speed to 20mph.
- Prey is a struct which has similar features of class but the only difference that they are public by default. the application used this feature to declare the constructor and other methods.
- AgeCalculator used passing by constant reference to get a fish object and pass it by reference and add the age of two fishes together.
- used vector container to push_back fish names in int main() because sometimes we need to have different fishes and the best way is to push them in a vector so we can easily access them.
- algorithm container used to sort fishes’ names in order.
Source code:
//1. main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include “Animals.h”
#include “Color.h”
#include “Fishes.h”
#include “Car.h”
#include “Prey.h”
using namespace std;
//print out function for Vector and Algorithm containers
void printColor(Color a){
int main(void)
//using new and delete through pointers
//Demonstrate dynamic binding non-virtual and virtual impact
// Animals *P = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// P->display();
// delete P;
//demonstrate static state
// Animals *a = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// a->display(); //the speed will be 20mph instead of 13mph because of static state
//cast weight float to integer
//type-safe downcast – cast base to derived
// Animals *b = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// b->display();
// Fishes *T = dynamic_cast<Fishes *>(b);
// T->display();
// delete b;
// delete T;
//Demonstrate dynamic binding virtual and non-virtual impact
// Animals *c = new Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// Animals *d = new Prey(“Lion”,”Africa”, 50.3f);
// c->display();
// d->display();
// delete c;
// delete d;
//Fish class
//demonstrate the abstract class
// Fishes e(“Fish”, 20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// e.display();
//Array pointers
// Fishes f[2]{Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”),Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”whale”)};
// Fishes *L = &f[0];
// L->display();
// L->tempPrint();
// (++L)->display();
//Car class
//demonstrate friend method
// Car g(230,”Gray”,16);
// DublinReg(g);
//Copy constructor of Animal class
//Struct in C++
// Prey h(“Lion”,”Africa”, 10.3f);
// h.display();
// Prey j(h);
// j.display();
//operator overloaded
// Fishes k(“Fish”,15,4.5f,30,”Shark”);
// Fishes m(“Fish”, 15, 4.5f, 23,”Whale”);
// if(k==m){cout<< “a and b classes have same age and weight!!” <<endl;} //using operator ==
// Fishes o = m;
// o.display(); //using operator= which will assign c class to be same as b
// Fishes q = k + m; //using operator +
// q.display(); //this will add age and weight from a and b
//demonstrate passing by constant reference in Fish class
// Fishes r(“Fish”,15,4.5f,30,”Shark”);
// Fishes s(“Fish”, 13, 4.5f, 23,”Whale”);
// r.AgeCalculator(s);
//demonstrate vector and Algorithm containers
// string fishName;
// vector<string> V; // declare a vector container of ints
// cout<< “Please enter three Fish:” <<endl;
// for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
// {
// cin>>fishName;
// V.push_back(fishName);
// }
// sort(V.begin(), V.end()); // Algorithm
// cout<<endl<< “Sorted Color in alphabet:” <<endl;
// for_each(V.begin(), V.end(), printColor);
return 0;
//2. Animals.h
#include <string>
#ifndef ANIMALS_H
#define ANIMALS_H
class Animals{
//using protected access specifier
//constant age to demonstrate cast styles
int age; //inherited in Fishes class
int speed; //inherited in Car and Fishes classes
float weight; //inherited in Fishes class
//static state of class
static intnextSpeed;
//using public access specifier
// constructor
Animals(int, float, int);
//multiple constructors for overloading method print
Animals(float speed);
virtual ~Animals();
//Abstract method
virtual intMaxTemp() = 0;
//Overloading method
virtual void print(int,int);
virtual void print(float);
//over-riding method
//dynamic binding with non-virtual method
virtual void display();
//Display max temp
virtual void tempPrint();
//multiply weight
virtual void multiWeight();
#endif // ANIMALS_H
//3. Animals.cpp
#include “Animals.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//static state of class
int Animals::nextSpeed = 20;
// constructor
Animals::Animals( int age, float weight, int speed):age(age), weight(weight), speed(nextSpeed++){
//cout<< “The animal has just been created !!” <<endl;
//multiple constructors for overloading method print
Animals::Animals(int age, int speed): age(age), speed(speed) {}
Animals::Animals(float weight){
this -> weight = weight;
//cout<< “The animal has been destroyed !!” <<endl;
//overriding print method
void Animals::print(int speed, int age){
cout<< “Animal speed is ” << speed << ” mph and its estimated age is “<< age<< ” week” <<endl;
void Animals::print(float weight){
cout<< “Animal estimated age is ” << weight << ” week”<<endl;
void Animals::display(){
//Casting Animal weight from float to integer value
cout<< “Animal estimated age: “<<age << ” week.”<<endl;
cout<< “Animal estimated weight: “<<static_cast<int> (weight)<<” kg.”<<endl; //cast from float to integer
cout<<“Animal estimated speed: “<< speed<< ” mph” <<endl;
cout<<“Animal tolerates max temperature of “<<MaxTemp() << ” degrees Celsius” <<endl;
//max temp display
void Animals::tempPrint(){
cout<<“Animal tolerates max temperature of “<<MaxTemp() << ” degrees Celsius” <<endl;
void Animals::multiWeight(){
weight = weight *2;
//4. Color.h
#include <string>
#ifndef COLOR_H
#define COLOR_H
//this class used just to be inherited
//Fish color will be inherited by Car class
class Color{
//using protected access specifier
std::string color;
//using public access specifier
virtual ~Color();
//Abstract method
//virtual std::string type()=0;
virtual void display();
void printColor(Color);
#endif // COLOR_H
//5. Color.cpp
#include “Color.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
Color::Color(string color): color(color){
//cout<< “The Color class has just been created !!” <<endl;
//cout<< “The Color “<< color << ” class has just been created !!” <<endl;
//method display for test
void Color::display(){
cout<< ” The color is ” << color <<endl;
//6. Car.h
#ifndef CAR_H
#define CAR_H
#include “Animals.h”
#include “Color.h”
#include <string>
//using template
//Car class is a part of Color class and Animal class
//the class will inherit string color from Clor class and int speed from Animal class
class Car : public Animals, public Color{
//using private access specifier
//use of friend function of reg object in Car class
friend void DublinReg(Car &);
//using public access specifier
//new constructor will inherit color and speed and the class itself includes registration number
Car(int, std::string, int);
//template function
void OverSpeed();
virtual ~Car();
//Abstract method from abstract class Color
//virtual std::string type(){return “Light”;}
//Abstract method from Animal class
virtual intMaxTemp(){return 135;}
//method for test
void display();
#endif // CAR_H
//7. Car.cpp
#include “Car.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
Car::Car(int speed, string color, intreg): Animals(speed), Color(color), reg(reg){
//cout<< “Car class has just been created !!” <<endl;
//destructor to clean up the destroyed object
//cout<< “The car with “<<reg<<” registration number has just been destroyed!!” <<endl;
//display method inherits from Color and Animal classes
void Car::display(){
cout<< “Car speed: ” << speed<<endl;
cout<< “Registration number of the car: ” <<reg<<endl;
//friend function
void DublinReg(Car &R){
R.reg = 12345;
cout<< “Dublin cars have special registration numbers which begin with ” << R.reg <<endl;
//template function
void Car::OverSpeed(){
if(speed > 120){
cout<< “A fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
cout<< “No fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is not over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
//8. Fishes.h
#ifndef FISHES_H
#define FISHES_H
#include “Animals.h”
#include <string>
//inherits for Animals Class
class Fishes: public Animals{
//using private access specifier
std::string name;
std::string species;
//inherited constructor from Animal class
Fishes(std::string, int, float, int, std::string);
//overloaded operators
Fishes operator +(Fishes);
Fishes operator =(Fishes);
bool operator == (Fishes);
virtual ~Fishes();
//Abstract method from Animal class
virtual intMaxTemp(){return 50;}
//overriding method
void display();
//passing by constant reference object
virtual void AgeCalculator(const Fishes &);
//Use of Vector and Algorithm to sort Fishes comparing to weight
#endif // FISHES_H
//9. Fishes.cpp
#include “Fishes.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//inherit constructor from Animal class
Fishes::Fishes(string name, int age, float weight, intspeed,string species):
name(name),Animals(age,weight,speed), species(species){
//cout<< “The animal with name ” << name <<” has just been created !!” <<endl;
//overloaded operator +
Fishes Fishes::operator + (Fishes f){
return Fishes(name, age+f.age, weight+f.weight,speed, species);
//overloaded operator ==
Fishes Fishes::operator = (Fishes f){
return Fishes(name, f.age, f.weight, speed, species);
//overloaded operator ==
bool Fishes::operator == (Fishes f){
return ((f.age == age) && (f.weight == weight));
//cout<< “The animal with name ” << name <<” has just been destroyed !!” <<endl;
//overriding method
void Fishes::display(){
cout<< “Animal name: “<<name<<endl;
cout<< “Animal species is: “<< species <<endl;
//passing by constant reference object
void Fishes::AgeCalculator(const Fishes &source){
intnewAge = (age + source.age);
cout<< “Calculator result: ” <<newAge<<endl;
//9. Prey.h
#ifndef PREY_H
#define PREY_H
#include “Animals.h”
#include <string>
//This struct used to demonstrate difference between class and struct and modified copy constructor
struct Prey : public Animals{
//Members are public by default
Prey(std::string, std::string, float);
//modified copy constructor passing by reference
Prey(const Prey &);
//Abstract method from Animal class
virtual intMaxTemp(){return 63;}
//Display function
void display();
std::string name;
std::string home;
#endif // PREY_H
//10. Prey.cpp
#include “Prey.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
Prey::Prey(string name, string home, float weight): name(name), home(home), Animals(weight){}
//modified copy constructor
Prey::Prey(const Prey &Source): Animals(weight){
cout<< “Copy constructor is now built !!” <<endl;
name =;
home = Source.home;
weight = Source.weight;
void Prey::display(){
cout<< “Animal name: ” << name <<endl;
cout<< “Animal home land: ” << home <<endl;
cout<< “Animal weight in KG: ” << weight <<endl;
//1. main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include “Animals.h”
#include “Color.h”
#include “Fishes.h”
#include “Car.h”
#include “Prey.h”
using namespace std;
//print out function for Vector and Algorithm containers
void printColor(Color a){
int main(void)
//using new and delete through pointers
//Demonstrate dynamic binding non-virtual and virtual impact
// Animals *P = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// P->display();
// delete P;
//demonstrate static state
// Animals *a = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// a->display(); //the speed will be 20mph instead of 13mph because of static state
//cast weight float to integer
//type-safe downcast – cast base to derived
// Animals *b = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// b->display();
// Fishes *T = dynamic_cast<Fishes *>(b);
// T->display();
// delete b;
// delete T;
//Demonstrate dynamic binding virtual and non-virtual impact
// Animals *c = new Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// Animals *d = new Prey(“Lion”,”Africa”, 50.3f);
// c->display();
// d->display();
// delete c;
// delete d;
//Fish class
//demonstrate the abstract class
// Fishes e(“Fish”, 20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
// e.display();
//Array pointers
// Fishes f[2]{Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”),Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”whale”)};
// Fishes *L = &f[0];
// L->display();
// L->tempPrint();
// (++L)->display();
//Car class
//demonstrate friend method
// Car g(230,”Gray”,16);
// DublinReg(g);
//Copy constructor of Animal class
//Struct in C++
// Prey h(“Lion”,”Africa”, 10.3f);
// h.display();
// Prey j(h);
// j.display();
//operator overloaded
// Fishes k(“Fish”,15,4.5f,30,”Shark”);
// Fishes m(“Fish”, 15, 4.5f, 23,”Whale”);
// if(k==m){cout<< “a and b classes have same age and weight!!” <<endl;} //using operator ==
// Fishes o = m;
// o.display(); //using operator= which will assign c class to be same as b
// Fishes q = k + m; //using operator +
// q.display(); //this will add age and weight from a and b
//demonstrate passing by constant reference in Fish class
// Fishes r(“Fish”,15,4.5f,30,”Shark”);
// Fishes s(“Fish”, 13, 4.5f, 23,”Whale”);
// r.AgeCalculator(s);
//demonstrate vector and Algorithm containers
// string fishName;
// vector<string> V; // declare a vector container of ints
// cout<< “Please enter three Fish:” <<endl;
// for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
// {
// cin>>fishName;
// V.push_back(fishName);
// }
// sort(V.begin(), V.end()); // Algorithm
// cout<<endl<< “Sorted Color in alphabet:” <<endl;
// for_each(V.begin(), V.end(), printColor);
return 0;
//2. Animals.h
#include <string>
#ifndef ANIMALS_H
#define ANIMALS_H
class Animals{
//using protected access specifier
//constant age to demonstrate cast styles
int age; //inherited in Fishes class
int speed; //inherited in Car and Fishes classes
float weight; //inherited in Fishes class
//static state of class
static intnextSpeed;
//using public access specifier
// constructor
Animals(int, float, int);
//multiple constructors for overloading method print
Animals(float speed);
virtual ~Animals();
//Abstract method
virtual intMaxTemp() = 0;
//Overloading method
virtual void print(int,int);
virtual void print(float);
//over-riding method
//dynamic binding with non-virtual method
virtual void display();
//Display max temp
virtual void tempPrint();
//multiply weight
virtual void multiWeight();
#endif // ANIMALS_H
//3. Animals.cpp
#include “Animals.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//static state of class
int Animals::nextSpeed = 20;
// constructor
Animals::Animals( int age, float weight, int speed):age(age), weight(weight), speed(nextSpeed++){
//cout<< “The animal has just been created !!” <<endl;
//multiple constructors for overloading method print
Animals::Animals(int age, int speed): age(age), speed(speed) {}
Animals::Animals(float weight){
this -> weight = weight;
//cout<< “The animal has been destroyed !!” <<endl;
//overriding print method
void Animals::print(int speed, int age){
cout<< “Animal speed is ” << speed << ” mph and its estimated age is “<< age<< ” week” <<endl;
void Animals::print(float weight){
cout<< “Animal estimated age is ” << weight << ” week”<<endl;
void Animals::display(){
//Casting Animal weight from float to integer value
cout<< “Animal estimated age: “<<age << ” week.”<<endl;
cout<< “Animal estimated weight: “<<static_cast<int> (weight)<<” kg.”<<endl; //cast from float to integer
cout<<“Animal estimated speed: “<< speed<< ” mph” <<endl;
cout<<“Animal tolerates max temperature of “<<MaxTemp() << ” degrees Celsius” <<endl;
//max temp display
void Animals::tempPrint(){
cout<<“Animal tolerates max temperature of “<<MaxTemp() << ” degrees Celsius” <<endl;
void Animals::multiWeight(){
weight = weight *2;
//4. Color.h
#include <string>
#ifndef COLOR_H
#define COLOR_H
//this class used just to be inherited
//Fish color will be inherited by Car class
class Color{
//using protected access specifier
std::string color;
//using public access specifier
virtual ~Color();
//Abstract method
//virtual std::string type()=0;
virtual void display();
void printColor(Color);
#endif // COLOR_H
//5. Color.cpp
#include “Color.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
Color::Color(string color): color(color){
//cout<< “The Color class has just been created !!” <<endl;
//cout<< “The Color “<< color << ” class has just been created !!” <<endl;
//method display for test
void Color::display(){
cout<< ” The color is ” << color <<endl;
//6. Car.h
#ifndef CAR_H
#define CAR_H
#include “Animals.h”
#include “Color.h”
#include <string>
//using template
//Car class is a part of Color class and Animal class
//the class will inherit string color from Clor class and int speed from Animal class
class Car : public Animals, public Color{
//using private access specifier
//use of friend function of reg object in Car class
friend void DublinReg(Car &);
//using public access specifier
//new constructor will inherit color and speed and the class itself includes registration number
Car(int, std::string, int);
//template function
void OverSpeed();
virtual ~Car();
//Abstract method from abstract class Color
//virtual std::string type(){return “Light”;}
//Abstract method from Animal class
virtual intMaxTemp(){return 135;}
//method for test
void display();
#endif // CAR_H
//7. Car.cpp
#include “Car.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
Car::Car(int speed, string color, intreg): Animals(speed), Color(color), reg(reg){
//cout<< “Car class has just been created !!” <<endl;
//destructor to clean up the destroyed object
//cout<< “The car with “<<reg<<” registration number has just been destroyed!!” <<endl;
//display method inherits from Color and Animal classes
void Car::display(){
cout<< “Car speed: ” << speed<<endl;
cout<< “Registration number of the car: ” <<reg<<endl;
//friend function
void DublinReg(Car &R){
R.reg = 12345;
cout<< “Dublin cars have special registration numbers which begin with ” << R.reg <<endl;
//template function
void Car::OverSpeed(){
if(speed > 120){
cout<< “A fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
cout<< “No fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is not over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
//8. Fishes.h
#ifndef FISHES_H
#define FISHES_H
#include “Animals.h”
#include <string>
//inherits for Animals Class
class Fishes: public Animals{
//using private access specifier
std::string name;
std::string species;
//inherited constructor from Animal class
Fishes(std::string, int, float, int, std::string);
//overloaded operators
Fishes operator +(Fishes);
Fishes operator =(Fishes);
bool operator == (Fishes);
virtual ~Fishes();
//Abstract method from Animal class
virtual intMaxTemp(){return 50;}
//overriding method
void display();
//passing by constant reference object
virtual void AgeCalculator(const Fishes &);
//Use of Vector and Algorithm to sort Fishes comparing to weight
#endif // FISHES_H
//9. Fishes.cpp
#include “Fishes.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//inherit constructor from Animal class
Fishes::Fishes(string name, int age, float weight, intspeed,string species):
name(name),Animals(age,weight,speed), species(species){
//cout<< “The animal with name ” << name <<” has just been created !!” <<endl;
//overloaded operator +
Fishes Fishes::operator + (Fishes f){
return Fishes(name, age+f.age, weight+f.weight,speed, species);
//overloaded operator ==
Fishes Fishes::operator = (Fishes f){
return Fishes(name, f.age, f.weight, speed, species);
//overloaded operator ==
bool Fishes::operator == (Fishes f){
return ((f.age == age) && (f.weight == weight));
//cout<< “The animal with name ” << name <<” has just been destroyed !!” <<endl;
//overriding method
void Fishes::display(){
cout<< “Animal name: “<<name<<endl;
cout<< “Animal species is: “<< species <<endl;
//passing by constant reference object
void Fishes::AgeCalculator(const Fishes &source){
intnewAge = (age + source.age);
cout<< “Calculator result: ” <<newAge<<endl;
//9. Prey.h
#ifndef PREY_H
#define PREY_H
#include “Animals.h”
#include <string>
//This struct used to demonstrate difference between class and struct and modified copy constructor
struct Prey : public Animals{
//Members are public by default
Prey(std::string, std::string, float);
//modified copy constructor passing by reference
Prey(const Prey &);
//Abstract method from Animal class
virtual intMaxTemp(){return 63;}
//Display function
void display();
std::string name;
std::string home;
#endif // PREY_H
//10. Prey.cpp
#include “Prey.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
Prey::Prey(string name, string home, float weight): name(name), home(home), Animals(weight){}
//modified copy constructor
Prey::Prey(const Prey &Source): Animals(weight){
cout<< “Copy constructor is now built !!” <<endl;
name =;
home = Source.home;
weight = Source.weight;
void Prey::display(){
cout<< “Animal name: ” << name <<endl;
cout<< “Animal home land: ” << home <<endl;
cout<< “Animal weight in KG: ” << weight <<endl;
//Modified copy constructor
Car::Car(int speed, string color, intreg): Animals(speed), Color(color), reg(reg){
//The modified copy constructor
Car::Car(const Car &Property): Animals(speed){
cout<< “Car class has just been created !!” <<endl;
Color = Property.color;
reg = Property.reg;
speed = Property.speed;
//Dynamic Casting
Animals *b = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
Fishes *T = dynamic_cast<Fishes *>(b);
delete b;
delete T;
cast weight float to integer
//type-safe downcast – cast base to derived
Animals *b = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
Fishes *T = dynamic_cast<Fishes *>(b);
delete b;
delete T;
//Static Cast
void Car::display(){
cout<< “Car speed: ” <<static_cast<int> (speed)<<mph<<endl; //casting from float values to integers
cout<< “Registration number of the car: ” <<reg<<endl;
//constant age to demonstrate cast styles
int speed;
float weight;
constint age = 10;
int *b = const_cast<int*>(&age);
//Reinterprete Cast
//constant age to demonstrate cast styles
float weight;
constint age;
int speed = 0x1233254;
char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*> (speed);
*ptr = 3;
return 0;
//Class Template
//template function
void Car::OverSpeed(){
if(speed > 120){
cout<< “A fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
cout<< “No fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is not over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
//Dynamic Binding
Animals *c = new Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
Animals *d = new Prey(“Lion”,”Africa”, 50.3f);
delete c;
delete d;
7.Copy Constructor.cpp
Car::Car(int speed, string color, intreg): Animals(speed), Color(color), reg(reg){
//The modified copy constructor
Car::Car(const Car &Property): Animals(speed){
cout<< “Car class has just been created !!” <<endl;
Color = Property.color;
reg = Property.reg;
speed = Property.speed;
- Castings.cpp
//Dynamic Casting
Animals *b = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
Fishes *T = dynamic_cast<Fishes *>(b);
delete b;
delete T;
cast weight float to integer
//type-safe downcast – cast base to derived
Animals *b = new Fishes( “Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
Fishes *T = dynamic_cast<Fishes *>(b);
delete b;
delete T;
//Static Cast
void Car::display(){
cout<< “Car speed: ” <<static_cast<int> (speed)<<mph<<endl; //casting from float values to integers
cout<< “Registration number of the car: ” <<reg<<endl;
//constant age to demonstrate cast styles
int speed;
float weight;
constint age = 10;
int *b = const_cast<int*>(&age);
//Reinterprete Cast
//constant age to demonstrate cast styles
float weight;
constint age;
int speed = 0x1233254;
char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*> (speed);
*ptr = 3;
return 0;
- Dynamic Binding.cpp
Animals *c = new Fishes(“Fish”,20, 2.3f, 13,”Shark”);
Animals *d = new Prey(“Lion”,”Africa”, 50.3f);
delete c;
delete d;
- Class Template.cpp
//template function
void Car::OverSpeed(){
if(speed > 120){
cout<< “A fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;
cout<< “No fine is given to the car with ” <<reg
<< ” number because the speed is not over 120. Car speed ” << speed <<endl;